Friday 10 February 2012

May the power be with you

Running training is going well I think - I am making most of my sessions, I am feeling strong when out and most importantly I am actually enjoying it at the moment!! For the first time in my life, I am becoming very aware of what I put in my mouth, and the impact that has on how I feel.

My clever sister Susannah forwarded me this recipe recently from one of the blogs she subscribes to. In short - it is incredible. A snack/ breakfast on the run/ energy boost that is super healthy...simple, quick and truly delicious, the biggest problem I am finding is trying to not devour them all immediately.

Official name is Power Balls. My friend David has renamed them Dung Beetle Balls - you decide most appropriate ;-). Here is the recipe:

1 cup rolled oats
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup walnuts
250g pitted dates (medjool if poss - the fresh, wrinkly ones)
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 cup shredded coconut
2 tablespoons chia seeds
Pinch of sea salt

1. Place all ingredients (except chia seeds and dates) in a food processor and blend on high until finely ground.
2. Add the dates one at a time through the feed tube of the food processor while it is running. The mix should look similar to cake crumbs, but that when pressed, will easily stick together (if the mixture does not hold together well, add more dates).
3. In a large bowl, combine the mix with the chia seeds. Roll into small golf balls
4. Store in an airtight container - they can be eaten straight from the fridge or freezer (they'll be lovely and firm, but not rock hard as the good oils in the nuts and seeds won't freeze!).
Makes around 20 balls.

Whatever you call them, they are amazing. I think they may have just changed my life!

1 comment:

  1. Dung Beetle Balls sounds soooo bad...see your point though!
